In this article:
- Saffron research and premenstrual syndrome
- Symbiotic benefits
- Other natural remedies
Reading time: Two minutes but feels like forever
Saffron Research and PMS
Saffron is one of the mystical new drugs getting a lot of facetime in modern research circles. It’s by no means a new drug, having been used in a multitude of medical ways for centuries upon centuries, but never the less it’s being given a thorough once over for it’s potential in modern medicine applications.
Traditionally, Saffron has been used for everything from perfume to a digestive aid. It’s no great stretch of the imagination to believe that in ancient era medicine it has also been used as an aid to ease in the passing of PMS. Now there’s some limited science to back it up.
Scientists are focused on how saffron can help inhibit serotonin reuptake in the synapses. Generally speaking, this has a wide effect on mental well-being for both males and females, but for these particular studies and for obvious reasons we’ll focus on female results.
What does it mean to inhibit serotonin reuptake? It means the levels of serotonin stay inside your brain longer and more consistently, although the reason why is still under investigation. Inside the saffron crocus, two active ingredients are chiefly suspected of being responsible for the effect and initiating the bodies response. Crocetin and crocin are two antioxidants found inside saffron and potentially modify mental outlook. Of course, in times of stress, this is hugely beneficial.
In one of the most recent studies specifically aimed at issues that arise from PMS, a study group of 60 females participated. The non-placebo group was found to have experienced a 50% reduction in PMS related symptoms. As an added benefit, maybe reported overall improvement in mental well-being. The two are very likely related, according to the scientists who ran the study.
The studies that confirm the effect of saffron on mental well being are again, well documented, however the research on direct effects of the saffron crocus on premenstrual syndrome have much less scientific coverage and more research is needed to make a stronger case.
Symbiotic Benefits of Saffron
Saffron is totally natural and as long as it’s not taken in large quantities – nontoxic. Making a saffron tea to enjoy the multitude of bonuses and enhancements that have been documented makes perfect sense. Saffron has primarily been recorded as a stout anti-depressant however some of the other benefits likely include younger, healthier skin, some amount of cancer fighting ability, a digestive aid, as well as having some good evidence to support the theory that it may slow the process of age-related macular degeneration. All of these benefits seem to be related to the three potent anti-oxidants that are found in saffron. Crocin, crocetin and safranal. Each one of these will work in a slightly different way to fuel your body’s fight to retain proper operations and a youthful countenance.
Learning is the spice of life, and saffron’s mystique & uniqueness is really interesting to work with in the kitchen. Try making saffron tea by mixing four to six strands with a cup of boiling water, and some honey, lemon juice, sugar and mint for spectacularly unique results. Try a technically difficult seafood paella if your more advanced in the kitchen; for beginners, perhaps a rewarding rice is a good place to start your Mediterranean culinary adventures.
Where to buy Saffron?
Other Natural Lifestyle Remedies
There’s an incredibly wide universe of over the counter drugs, prescription drugs and natural remedies that have been purported to help with PMS over the years. The sheer amount of information is staggering and we won’t try to cover it here.
Simply put, healthy is happy, and sound mental wellbeing with a positive outlook lets you charge through the days more easily.
Has saffron helped improve your mood or reduce PMS symptoms? Share your experience in the comments below.